Our film is now available to stream in Japan! Words Can’t Go There is available on many platforms including: iTunes / Google / Amazon / U-NEXT / ひかりTV / TSUTAYA TV / 楽天 / ビデオマーケット / GYAOストア / DMM動画】You can also access the film from this link: https://movie.lnk.to/kaizanFA
Please share this post, and let your friends and family know in Japan that they can now see the film online! We would really appreciate your help in getting the word out. You are our greatest support, and we cannot thank you enough. Seriously, we wouldn’t be here now posting this message if it weren’t for you. So, thank you!! And if you’re already watching the film, enjoy!! This is our Japanese streaming launch, so the film is only viewable in Japan with Japanese subtitles.
We plan on launching on US and global streaming platforms this fall, so we’ll keep you updated! Here we goooooooo!!!